Ok first I have to act a little bit silly (but you can forgive me right) Guess what I was tagged by one of my fav scrapper in the whole world one of my idol Anabelle. I have been lurking over at her place for some time and enjoying all of her fantastic work on several DT blogs too. She has left me kind words and well you know how it is when someone you admire leaves you positive feedback it means alot.
But back to the subject ... I was tagged !
Six random things about myself
1) I love childrens books and films
2) I always sing in the Car while I'm driving
3) I love to cook but I can't stand go shopping for groceries
4) I get excited when I get mail (regular mail and e-mail)
5) I knew I wanted to become a lawyer when I was 10 years old
6) I'm on a diet (suprise !!!)
If you do decide to play along, here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who “tagged” you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know your entry is posted on your blog.
I'm tagging these girls...I hope they have not already been tagged:
Guess what one of the design members over at Rusty Pickle Beckie sent me a pm and asked if Rusty Pickle could use my Women in my Life 2007 mini album for their september newsletter !!! How cool is that...way cool.
Over and out
It was a good thing to get tagged by Anabelle cause now I have met you and visited your blog!
Love learning a little bit more about you, Anna! Thanks for all of the sweet words. I just adore your work, too. ;)
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